mg不朽情缘游戏网址的使命 & 值


自1902年以来, mg不朽情缘游戏网址 has been a pioneer in meeting the needs of 成人学生 who have the ambition to continue their college education in combination with other responsibilities. Serving adult learners wouldn’t be possible without a dedicated team of staff, faculty and 董事会成员 who live out our mission, vision and values every single day. Find out what drives us to serve you and the rest of our students with excellence.

任务 & 哲学



mg不朽情缘游戏网址 is a student-centered, nonprofit, independent institution.

mg不朽情缘游戏网址提供高质量的课程, relevant education enabling the broadest possible community of learners to achieve their goals and enrich the world. 


自1902年以来, mg不朽情缘游戏网址 has been a pioneer in meeting the needs of 成人学生 who have the ambition to continue their education in combination with other responsibilities.

As a learner-centered institution of higher education, the 教育哲学的四大基石 是:

  • 确保学术质量
  • 提供受教育的机会
  • 适应学生的需要
  • Responding to changes in society, professions, and the business community  



The values of a University cannot simply reside in a document or a promotional piece. They must live and breathe within each of us as they guide and inform our actions and behaviors. Core values remind us that the work we do is rooted in a shared set of beliefs, and reinforces that our efforts are meaningful and life-changing. 当一个人模仿一种行为时, 它很可能会被其他国家效仿, 创造一种期待这些价值观的文化. 

The acronym “MiRole” reinforces the personal responsibility aspect of the core values and can easily be remembered by what it stands for: Modeling 完整性, 尊重, 机会, 学习与卓越. MiRole is not only a memorable acronym encompassing the values at the center of the work we do, 但它把mg不朽情缘游戏网址作为负责任的人联系在一起, 负责任的员工和队友. 

Understanding and living our core values empowers us to do exceptional work every day in our quest to make mg不朽情缘游戏网址 the best place to work and learn.


Basing decisions and actions on the highest moral standards and ethical ideals


  • 诚实地交流
  • 在工作中保持透明
  • 做好学校资源的管理工作
  • 在我的决定、言语和行动中保持诚实




  • Honoring the personal and professional time and commitments of students, 教职员工 
  • Creating a flexible, approachable, supportive and celebratory culture 
  • Embracing diversity by promoting inclusion and honoring differences 
  • Valuing and appreciating the contributions of each member of the University


Encouraging growth and ongoing professional development along the path to success.


  • Removing barriers to success for our students, 教职员工
  • Fostering an environment that encourages the achievement of personal and professional goals
  • Acknowledging there is true value in diversity of thought and sincerely believing that each voice counts
  • 鼓励学生成长, 教职员工 through civic responsibility and service to the community


Actively supporting lifelong discovery and the exploration of knowledge.


  • 提供高品质, relevant education that enables the broadest possible community of learners to achieve their goals 
  • 倡导和鼓励学生, 教职员工 as they attain personal and educational goals 
  • 营造注重潜力的氛围, 创建自力更生, 并促进他人的成功
  • Making lifelong learning opportunities widely accessible and attainable for motivated students, 教职员工


Pursuing exceptional results with determination, pride and passion.


  • Providing dedicated service to students, my colleagues and the community
  • 每天练习创造力和开放的思想
  • 在工作中具有创新精神和前瞻性
  • 我做任何事都不接受平庸



Communicate professionally using a variety of modalities (written, spoken, and technological).


Analyze and evaluate information to make reasoned arguments and solve problems.


Integrate knowledge and skills to engage with and respond to social, 环境, 以及当地的经济挑战, 国家和全球层面.


Analyze and evaluate complex issues and situations to make informed ethical decisions.


Integrate theory and practice of an academic discipline.


The 通识教育 program at mg不朽情缘游戏网址 provides diverse learning experiences that promote the development of communication, 批判性思维, 全球学习, 以及定量推理能力. These skills are transferable to the workplace and community and create ethical, culturally aware global citizens and engaged lifelong learners. 


  1. 有效沟通 
  2. 运用探究的方法, 分析, and evaluation characteristic of the natural sciences, 社会和行为科学, 艺术和人文 
  3. 展示和应用文化知识 
  4. Critically assesses quantitative information and use mathematical models to draw conclusions 

 These outcomes are emphasized in the 通识教育 courses. 通过大学课程设计模型, these foundational outcomes are also integrated throughout the curriculum.